Legal notice

Name of company
GES Accountancy Limited


Registered office
165 Woodlands Lane
Chichester PO19 5PB


Contact details
Tel: 01243 776622

Mob: 07710 371025
Fax: 01243 776622


Company Registration Number

03679192 - England & Wales


VAT no.


Gerald Edwards is licensed and regulated by the Association of Accounting Technicians to provide services in accordance with licence no. 572, details of which are displayed at the address shown.





GES Accountancy Limited
165 Woodlands Lane

Chichester PO19 5PB


t. 01243 776622

m. 07710 371025



Making an appointment


You can contact us on the following telephone number if you have any queries or wish to make an appointment:

t. 01243 776622

m. 07710 371025


Alternatively, please use our contact form.